The Growth Experience is just that, an entity that continues to grow and evolve as it
navigates its place in the world of supporting humans in being a whole and aligned version of themselves.
The Growth Experience is inspired by the lived experience of its founding Fathers Matthew, Nathan and Ryan. Each of us has many stories in our journey that involve a necessary part of the lived experience, and that is a dive into the darkness of the trials and tribulations of life and coming out on the other side of that curve having transformed that pain and suffering into light and love. Where we found wisdom in those experiences is that we understand that we will not sit in either of those energies permanently. Dark moments are as necessary for our growth as are the moments that feel blissful and we will continue to experience them both.
Now, how did we land here in the space of sharing our wisdom, guidance and support for other men? The call to service. All three of us have called in supportive entities, and have mentors that supported us in our journey to this point. The Growth Experience believes this is essential to any Man's evolution of the self. This journey of life is not meant to be navigated alone. We are tribal humans that deep in our core regardless of the resistance one can have require connection and community to thrive. With that we chose to step into supporting Men in choosing that for themselves in a world that for some reason is desperately trying to isolate us from each-other.
Life is a continuous Growth Experience if you choose to allow yourself to evolve from stuck positions, and we are excited to continue to share our energy with supporting Men in that.
More to come... always.
The Growth Experience